No. B.12024/3/2018-SEC/VC/MADC






Dated Aizawl, the 19th March, 2018


                        In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 and sub-rule (2) of Rule 4 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014, the State Election Commissioner hereby appoints the following officers of the State Government as Election Observers and Reserved Observers for General Election to Village Councils under Mara Autonomous District Council, 2018 in respect of the Villages as assigned against each:-


Sl. No.

Name & Designation of Officers

Village Council assigned


Pu K. Rohlua

Project Director, DRDA


  1. Thiahra
  2. Amotlah
  3. Tisopi
  4. Old Tisopi
  5. Riasika
  6. Tipi Ferry
  7. Meisatlah -I
  8. Meisatlah - II
  9. Meisavaih - 'E'
  10. Meisavaih - W'
  11. Siaha Vaihpi -I
  12. Siaha Vaihpi - II
  13. Siaha Vaihpi - III
  14. ECM Vaih
  15. Thosai
  16. Council Vaih
  17. New Colony -I
  18. New Colony - II
  19. New Colony - III
  20. New Colony - IV
  21. College Vaih -I
  22. College Vaih - II
  23. New Siaha W
  24. New Siaha 'E'- I
  25. New Siaha 'E'-II
  26. Siahatlah -I
  27. Siahatlah - II
  28. Siahatlah - III
  29. No-aotlah -I
  30. No-aotlah - II
  31. No-aotlah - III
  32. Lobo -I
  33. Lobo - II
  34. Chhaolo -I
  35. Chhaolo - III
  36. Chhaolo - II


Pu K. Vanlalthiana, MCS

Deputy Director, Land Revenue & Settlement Deptt.

  1. Amobyu Vaithie
  2. Amobyu 'B'
  3. Amobyu 'CH'
  4. Theiva
  5. Kaochao 'E'-I
  6. Kaochao 'E'-II
  7. Saikao
  8. Saikao 'B'
  9. Lorrain Ville
  10. New Saikao
  11. New Laty
  12. Theiri
  13. Tisi - I
  14. Tisi - II
  15. Iana
  16. Siata - I
  17. Siata - II
  18. Chakhei - I
  19. Chakhei - II
  20. Chakheitla
  21. Siasi
  22. Chheihlu
  23. Tipa 'V'-I
  24. Tipa 'V'-II
  25. Tipa 'V'-III
  26. Tipa 'D'-I
  27. Tipa 'D'-II
  28. Tipa 'B'
  29. Laty
  30. Maisa
  31. Siatlai
  32. Zyhno
  33. Zyhno 'B'
  34. Lotai
  35. Mawhro
  36. Chapui - I
  37. Chapui - II
  38. Chapui - III
  39. Pala
  40. Ahmypi
  41. Lodaw
  42. Phura North
  43. Phura South
  44. Kiasie
  45. Vahia
  46. Miepu - I
  47. Miepu - II
  48. Khopai
  49. Laki - I
  50. Laki - II
  51. Tokalo
  52. Bymari
  53. Lomasu
  54. Lopu - I
  55. Lopu - II
  56. Lopu - III


Pu Chuauhnuna, MCS

Addl. DC, Serchhip

Reserved Observer



The Election Observers so appointed shall be deemed to be on deputation to the State Election Commission for the period during which they are so deployed and subject to the control, superintendence and discipline of the State Election Commission.


                        The appointed Observers are informed to attend Briefing Meeting on 21st March, 2018 at 11:00 AM in the Office Chamber of State Election Commissioner, Mizoram at Tuikhuahtlang.



By order, etc.,






State Election Commission,



Memo No. B.12024/3/2018-SEC/VC/MADC         :        Dated Aizawl, the 19th March, 2018

Copy to:

1. All Officers concerned for information and compliance (Guidelines for Observers is enclosed).


2. PPS to Chief Secretary for favour of information.


3. Deputy Commissioner & DEO Siaha District, Siaha, for information and necessary action


4. Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip, Director Land Revenue & Settlement Department, Under Secretary, Rural Development Department for information with a request to spare the services of the above Officers for their assign duties.


5. Under Secretary DP & AR (CSW) for information






Under Secretary,

State Election Commission,
