No. B. 11011/1/2024-SEC/MADC/45-46







Dated Aizawl, the 12th June, 2024


WHEREAS, 1(one) seat of MDC Constituency under Mara Autonomous District Council becomes vacant due to the resignation of a sitting member and By-Election has to be held to fill the casual vacancy within six months from the date of Notification of the vacancy by the District Council & Minority Affairs Department; and


WHEREAS, the Governor of Mizoram, by Notification vide No. A. 43016/2/2012-DC&MA(M) dt. 15.04.2024 under Rule 144(1) of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended from time to time, has been pleased to call upon 07-Chakhei MDC constituency under Mara Autonomous District Council to elect a member to fill the vacancy in accordance with the said Rules and orders made by the State Election Commission there-under;


NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-rule (5) of Rule 7 & sub-rule (1) of Rule 158 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002, as amended, the State Election Commission hereby appoints the following dates and times for By-Election to 07-Chakhei MDC Constituency:-



Announcement of Schedule of Election by the State Election Commission & Returning Officer

12.06.2024 (Wednesday)


Last Date for filing Nominations

18.06.2024  (Tuesday)

(11:00AM – 3:00PM)


Scrutiny of Nominations

19.06.2024 (Wednesday)


Last Date for withdrawals of Candidature

21.06.2024 (Friday)

 (till 1:00 PM)


Allotment of symbols & display of contesting     Candidates

21.06.2024 (Friday)

 (1:00 PM onwards)


Date of Poll

28.06.2024 (Friday)

(7:00 AM - 5:00 PM)


Date of Re-poll (if necessary)

29.06.2024 (Saturday)

(7:00 AM – 5:00PM)


Counting of Votes 

02.07.2024 (Tuesday)

(10:00AM onwards) 


Date on which Election process shall be completed

05.07.2024 (Friday)





State Election Commissioner,









Memo No. B. 11011/1/2024-SEC/MADC/45-46                     :         Dated Aizawl, the 12th June, 2024

Copy to:

  1. Secretary to the Governor of Mizoram.
  2. P.S. to Chief Minister, Mizoram.
  3. P.S. to Speaker, all Ministers, Leader of Opposition, Deputy Speaker, Ministers of State, Dy. Govt. Chief Whip.
  4. Sr. P.P.S to Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram.
  5. Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram 
  6. Commissioner & Secretary, General Administration Department, Mizoram.
  7. Commissioner & Secretary, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms.
  8. Secretary, District Council & Minority Affairs Department.
  9. Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer, Siaha District, Siaha.
  10. Controller, Printing & Stationery Department for favour of publication in the Mizoram Gazette. (Soft & Hard copy enclosed)
  11. Director, I & PR, Director for wide publicity.
  12. Executive Secretary, Mara Autonomous District Council, Siaha.
  13. Superintendent of Police, Siaha District.
  14. President / General Secretary, i/c Election, All Political Parties, General Headquarters, Aizawl.
  15. President / General Secretary, i/c Election, All Political Parties, Siaha District.










State Election Commission,
