





Dated: Aizawl, the 2nd July, 2024


Subject :         Lai Autonomous District Council hnuai a 12-Lawngtlai Chandmary MDC Constituency ah By-Election tluang taka neih a ni.


            State Election Commission, Mizoram chuan ni 11.06.2024 a Lai Autonomous District Council hnuaia 12-Lawngtlai Chandmary MDC Constituency Seat khat hnawh khat tur a By-Election neih hun tur atana a ruat ni 27.06.2024, zing dar 7:00 atanga tlai dar 5:00 chhung khan inthlanna chu tluang taka neih a ni.


            By-Election to 12-Lawngtlai Chandmary MDC Constituency under LADC, 2024 a Voter awm zat leh Vote tlak dan leh result chu hetiang hi a ni:


MDC Constituency                             :           1 MDC Constituency

Seat zat                                               :           1 Seat

Male Voters                                         :           1313

Female Voters                                    :           1485

Total Voters                                         :           2798


Vote tla zat:


Vote thlak zawng zawng                     :           2014

Za zela Vote tla zat                             :           71.98 %


                        Ni 01.07.2024-ah vote chhiar niin By-Election to 12-Lawngtlai Chandmary MDC Constituency under LADC, 2024 a mipuite’n an ai awh tura MDC an thlan tlin chu a hnuaia mi ang hi a ni:


Sl. No.

No & Name of
 MDC Constituency

Name of
 Elected Candidates



12-Lawngtlai Chandmary




                        By-Election to 12-Lawngtlai Chandmary MDC Constituency under Lai Autonomous District Council, 2024 inthlanna buaipuitu ber Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer, Lawngtlai District, Superintendent of Police, Lawngtlai District, DC Office a Officer leh staff te, Nodal Officers, Sector Officer, Returning Officer, Presiding Officer, Polling Officers, Counting Officials, Police force-te, Office hrang hranga thawktute, LADC Officers leh staff te, Village Level Officers leh NGO te inpekna avangin inthlanna chu tluang taka zawh fel a ni ta a, State Election Commission chuan an zavai a chungah lawmthu a sawi a ni.


                        Thu leh hla puanzar zung zung hi inthlanna hlawhtling neih nan a pawimawhin hemi kawngah hian I & PR Department, Print leh Electronic Media te chuan Commission leh DEO/RO mamawh leh thu puanzar duh tinrengah chhun leh zan pawh sawi loin a tul apiangah hma min laksak a, tluang tak leh felfai taka inthlanna nei thei tura tha thawhtu pawimawh ber te zing a mi an ni a, an chungah State Election Commission chuan lawmthu a sawi a ni. 


                        State Election Commission, Mizoram chuan 12-Lawngtlai Chandmary MDC Constituency under Lai Autonomous District Council member thlan thar chu lawmpuina a hlan a, Democracy innghahna pawimawh tak By-Election to 12-Lawngtlai Chandmary MDC Constituency under Lai Autonomous District Council, 2024 ti hlawhtling tura Lawngtlai Chandmary MDC bial huam chhunga mipui, vote thlak tura thawk chhuak zawng zawngte chungah lawmthu a sawi a ni.








State Election Commission,
