By-Election to Khawzawl-I (Electric Veng) Village Council
under Champhai District, 2016
S/N No. & Name of Village Council No. of Seats Name of Contesting Candidate Party
(If any)
Total Votes obtained Name of Elected Candidate Party
(If any)
Total Votes obtained
Gen Res Total
1 MZ-VC 04/39
(Electric Veng)
4 1 5 General       General      
1 Kawlchungnunga INC 205 1 Lalzarmawia INC 304
2 F. Lalchhanhima INC 242 2 F. Lalchhanhima INC 242
3 Lalzarmawia INC 304 3 Kawlchungnunga INC 205
4 F. Lalzemawia INC 201 4 F. Lalzemawia INC 201
5 C. Lalengliana MNF 122        
6 Ralkapliana MNF 187        
7 J. Rodinga MNF 127        
8 Biakpianga ZNP 138        
9 T.C. _ IND 200        
Reserved       Reserved      
1 Lalmuanpuii INC 233 1 Tlangmuanpuii IND 242
2 Tlangmuanpuii IND 242