







Dated Aizawl, the 28th March, 2018


Subject:      Restriction on use of vehicles on poll day for the General Election to  Village Councils under Mara Autonomous District Council, 2018.



Whereas, the State Election Commission, Mizoram has issued Notification for General Election to Village Councils under Mara Autonomous District Council on 16th March, 2018, according to which the poll shall take place on 17th April, 2018;


Therefore, in the interest of preserving the fairness of election process and rendering the same reflection of true choice of the people, the State Election Commission, in exercise of the powers vested in it under Article 243K & 243ZA of the Constitution of India read with sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014 and other powers enabling it in this behalf, hereby issues the following restrictions on the  use of vehicles on poll day for the General Election to Village Councils under Mara Autonomous District Council, 2018:-


(i)   No hiring or procuring or use of vehicles by a candidate or his agent or by any other person with the consent of the candidate or his election agent for free conveyance of the voters to and fro from the polling station shall be allowed.


(ii)  Each contesting candidate is allowed to use two vehicles in the Village Council area from where he is contesting, for his own use on request. The Returning Officer concerned shall issue the vehicle permit as per proforma enclosed.


The State Election Commission further orders that the District Administration shall  keep a close watch on the vehicles used by Candidates and persons accompanying the contesting candidates and their supporters for any possible mischief, including criminal activities like carrying of illegal arms and weapons. If any of these vehicles, either of a contesting candidate or a private owner, is found to be involved in any such act or for carrying anti-social elements with a view to intimidating or creating terror in the minds of the voters, it should be the duty of the District Administration to impound such vehicles and not to release them till the process of election is completed. In addition, action against the owner, the occupant/occupants and the candidate who is involved in such illegal activities shall also be taken as per law.



By order, etc.,






State Election Commission,



Memo. No. B.12024/1/2017-SEC/VC/MADC              :      Dated Aizawl, the 28th March, 2018

Copy to:-

  1. District Election Officer & Deputy Commissioner, Siaha District, Siaha for favour of information with a request to pass on the order to all Political Parties within MADC area.
  2. Director, I&PR Department for favour of wide publicity.
  3. S.P, Siaha for favour of information and necessary action.
  4. All Returning Officers for information and necessary action.







Under Secretary,

State Election Commission,






















PERMIT NO.________


Name of Candidate_________________________________________


No & Name of Village Council.________________________________


Vehicle Number____________________________________________



(Seal of RO)

Signature & Name of Returning Officer