No. B. 12023/1/2015-SEC/LADC





Dated Aizawl, the 30th October, 2015


        Whereas, the State Election Commission, Mizoram has prescribed Model Code of Conduct for observance by the political parties, candidates and persons holding high public offices for General to Election to Lai Autonomous District Council, 2015; and


       Whereas, the Commission feels that there has been necessity for imposing restrictions on the activities of the Government servants in Lawngtlai District during enforcement of Model Code of Conduct, i.e. from the date of announcement of election i.e 30.10.2015 till the date of announcement of the Results.


       Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under Article 243ZA of the Constitution of India read with sub-rule(4) of Rule 142 of the Lai Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc.) Rules, 2010 as amended, the Commission hereby orders that a Government servant holding office in State Government, Autonomous District Council, Central Government, Public Sector Enterprise of State or Central Government, Statutory Bodies getting financial assistance from the Government within the MADC area will come under the purview of the Code of Conduct for observance by the Government servants as follows:-


 (1)      A Government servant shall remain absolutely impartial during the election and he/she shall not indulge in any campaigning activities for or against any contesting candidate or political party;


(2)       No Government servant shall subscribe in aid of, or assist in any way, any candidate;


(3)       The Government servant shall not himself speak at or take active and prominent part in organizing or conducting the meeting;


(4)       No Government servant should accompany a Minister/Chief Executive Member/Executive Member/ Member of District Council or such other political functionaries for electioneering;


(5)       No Government servant should attend any political meeting except those who are in-charge of maintenance of law and order or those deployed for security duties;


(6)       Police personnel engaged in law and order duties shall not be construed as participating in the meeting of any candidate;


(7)       While dealing with different political parties in day to day official transaction each Government servant shall maintain absolute neutrality.  While registering cases on complaint filed by different political groups or contesting candidates or their supporters, police will take prompt steps in most impartial manner;


(8)       Violation of Code of Conduct by any Government servant will make himself/herself liable to disciplinary proceeding under the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965.



 By order, etc.,





       Sd/- H. DARZIKA


State Election Commission,



No. B. 12023/1/2015-SEC/LADC             :       Dated Aizawl, the 30th October, 2015

Copy to:

1) Secretary to the Governor of Mizoram for kind information of His Excellency the Governor.

2) Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Mizoram for kind information of Hon’ble Chief Minister

3) Sr. P.P.S to Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram for favour of information and necessary action.

4) Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, District Council Affairs Department.

5) Election Observer for favour of information and necessary action.

6) Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai District, Lawngtlai for information and wide publicity.

7) Director, I & PR Department for information and wide publicity.

8) Executive Secretary, Lai Autonomous District Council for favour of information and wide publicity.








            Under Secretary,

    State Election Commission,
