No.B.12018/1/2020-SEC/MADC/2                 :        Dated Aizawl, the 5th August, 2020





Subject:        Schedule for By-Election to 18-Siaha North-I MDC Constituency under Mara Autonomous District Council, 2020.


Sub-rule(5) of Rule 7 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc) Rules, 2002 as amended in thuneihna a pek angin State Election Commission, Mizoram chuan 18-Siaha North-I ah Member tang lai a boral avanga hmun ruak hnawh khahna atan By-Election chu 26.08.2020 (Wednesday)  hian a buatsaih dawn a ni.


  1. Electoral Data & No. of Seats:- Ni 1.1.2020 qualifying date-a hmangin, ni 22.07.2020 atanga ni 30.07.2020 chhung khan Electoral Rolls en nawnna hna thawh a ni. Final Electoral Rolls hi ni 31.07.2020 khan tih chhuah a ni a, vote nei thei mi 1627 an awm a, heng zinga mi 716 hi mipa an ni a, 911 hi hmeichhia an ni.                                                               

SI. No

Name of Constituency

Name of Polling Station

Total No. of Electors as per Final Rolls, 2019





18-Siaha North-I

18/1-College Vaih-I




18/2-New Colony-III











  1. Identification of Electors:- Vote thlak turte  chuan an nihna ti chiang turin Election Commission of India-in a siam Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) an keng ngei tur a ni a, an nei lo a nih chuan anmahni nihna ti chiang thei tur Identity Card dang an keng tur a ni. 


  1. Law & Order and Deployment of Forces:- Inthlanna muanawm leh felfai neih a nih theihna atan, dan leh thupek ken kawh kawnga mawhphurtute chu a tul anga hma la tura tih an ni a, a bik takin District Magistrate, Siaha leh Superintendent of Police, Siaha-te chu ruahhmanna tul ang zawng zawng siam tura beisei an ni. A tul a nih chuan ralthuam ken chungchang leh au rinna hman chungchangah khapna thupek ti chhuak tura beisei an ni.


4.       Electronic Voting Machine:

Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business, etc) Rules-in a sawi angin, By-Election lo awm turah hian Electronic Voting Machine hman a ni ang.  



  1. Videography & Photography:


A tul dan azirin thil thleng danglam bik bakah Model Code of Conduct bawhchhiatna a awm chuan chhinchhiah a, thla la vek turin DEO hi beisei a ni a, hei hian inthlanna felfai leh thianghlim a awm theih nan kawngro a su tura ngaih a ni.


6.         Election Expenditure Monitoring:


Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc. Rules) hnuaiah candidate pakhatin campaign nana a sum hman theih zat tur hi fel taka bithliah a ni a.  Rule 188 of the Mara Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Conduct of Business etc.) Rules, 2002 as amended  dungzuiin Candidate tin te chu Election Campaign atana an sum hmanral ni tina chhinchhiah tur leh inthlanna result puan atanga ni 60 chhungin  an sum hman dan report theh lut tura tih an ni ang. Candidate-ten dan an zawm that leh that loh hi District Election thuneitu ten an vil reng dawn a ni. 


7.         Affidavits by Candidates:


He By-Election-a candidate zawng zawngte chu Nomination Paper an file rualin an mimal chanchin hrang hrang bakah, in leh lo, sum leh pai,etc  an neih dan hrang hrangte tarlanna declaration, affidavit hmanga theh lut vek tura tih an ni a, chu an affidavit copy chu Returning Officer-in Notice Board-a a tar chhuah bakah candidate dangte emaw thu thar theh darhtute’n an dil a nih chuan a pe ngei tur a ni bawk. Candidate-in affidavit a theh lut lo a nih chuan nomination en dik a nih hunah a nomination hnawlna tlinga ngaih a ni dawn a ni. Amaherawhchu, Candidate-in thu dik lo a tar lang emaw thu dik a zep a nih pawhin Nomination Paper hnawlna tham a tling lo thung ang a, IPC Section 177-na hnuaiah erawh chuan hremna lek kawh turin hma lak theih a ni thung dawn a ni. Candidate-te Affidavit Scanned Copy hi State Election Commission website-ah upload a ni ang.


8.         Conduct of Officials:


State Election Commission chuan inthlanna buatsaihna kawnga mawhphurtu, Police-te tiamin, Sawrkar hnathawk zawng zawngte chu duhsak bik emaw hlauhna nei hauh lova a lai thei ang bera hna thawk turin a beisei a. An zavai hian State Election Commission hnuaia deputation-a kal anga ngaih an ni a, election process a zawh hma chuan Commission thuneihna hnuaiah an awm dawn a ni. Heng bakah hian 18-Siaha North-I huam chhunga Sawrkar hnathawk zawng zawngte chu Election Schedule puan atanga Election process zawh thlenga Sawrkar hnathawkte zawm tur State Election Commission-in a tih chhuah Code of Conduct chu zawm ngei tura beisei an ni.


9.         Information & Complaint Redressal Mechanism:


He By-Election chungchanga mipuite hriat awm chi chu State Election Commission website ah tarlan thin a ni ang a, hemi baka thil hriat fiah leh zawh duh neite chuan State Election Commission e-mail id: & ah thawn theih a ni ang.


10.       Model Code of Conduct:


‘Model Code of Conduct for Elections conducted by State Election Commission’ chu vawiin ni 5th August, 2020 atang hian By- Election neihna tur 18-Siaha North-I MDC Constituency huam chhungah hman tan nghal a ni.  He Model Code hian Political Parties, Contesting Candidates, Ministers, Members of Parliament, Members of Legislative Assembly, Chief Executive Member, Executive Members, Members of District Council leh inthlannaa inhnamhnawih  Public Servant-te a huam ang.


11.       Schedule of Election:


Hetiang hian  By-Election to 18-Siaha North-I MDC Constituency under MADC neih dan tura ruahmanna - Schedule chu siam a ni:-



Issue of Notification by the State Election Commission.

05.08.2020 (Wednesday)


Date of Issue of Notice of Election by the Returning Officer

05.08. 2020 (Wednesday)


Last Date for filling Nominations

19.08. 2020 (Wednesday)

(11:00 AM - 3:00PM)


Scrutiny of Nominations

19.08. 2020 (Wednesday)

(3:00pm Onwards)


Last date for withdrawal of Candidature

20.08. 2020 (Thursday)

(Upto 3:00pm)


Allotment of symbols and Display of list of candidates

20.08. 2020 (Thursday)

(3:00pm Onwards)


Date of Poll

26.08. 2020 (Wednesday)

(7:00am - 5:00pm)


Date of Re-poll, if any

27.08.2020 (Thursday)

(7:00am - 5:00pm)


Counting of Votes

28.08. 2020 (Friday)


Date for completion of election process 

31.08.2020 (Monday)


12.       Appeal:


State Election Commission chuan inthlanna fel fai leh muanawm kan neih theihna’n inthlanna buaipuitute, Political Parties, Media, NGOs leh mipui tawiawmna a ngen a.  




  By order etc., of the State Election Commissioner,






State Election Commission,
