By-Elections to MDC under
Chakma Autonomous District Council, 2016
Final Report
on Voter Turn-out submitted to the Commission at 28.4.2016 by 6:00 p.m.
No & Name of
Village Councils
Name of Polling Station No of Voters Total No. of Votes Cast Percentage
of Voter
at 8:00 a.m. at 2:00 p.m. Final at 6:00 p.m.
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 10-Mondirasora Mandirasora 192 182 374 104 263 181 171 352 94.12
Serlui 188 183 371 77 152 181 173 354 95.42
Adubangasora 102 94 196 48 111 101 88 189 96.43
Ulusury 136 135 271 78 156 131 128 259 95.57
Total 618 594 1212 307 682 594 560 1154 95.21